Can I use the SALTO KS app on my Apple Watch?

Yes, the SALTO KS Digital Key on your iPhone can also be used on your Apple Watch. Your SALTO KS Mobile App can detect when an Apple Watch is synchronized with your iPhone and accordingly guides you through setting up and activating Digital Key on your watch in a few easy steps. All you need to do is install ‘SALTO KS’ on your Apple Watch and also have the app on your iPhone. Then, with your SALTO KS app open on your phone, and open on your watch, confirm whether you would like to activate Digital Key on your Apple Watch by clicking the ‘Activate’ button. This can be found on the ‘Apple Watch setup’ added to your SALTO KS Mobile app ‘Settings’ screen. Please ensure that your phone and watch displays are awake and active for this process.

Once activated, the Digital Key is ready for use: simply tap the Digital Key icon on your watch and place the watch against the lock to open the door. If your ‘Haptics’ setting is enabled, the lock opening will be accompanied by a vibration and sound, confirming that the opening is successful. This is also indicated by the LED flashing green. You do not need your phone present with you to use your Apple Watch for access. 

Your Digital Key can also be added as a ‘complication’ on your Apple Watch—a special feature that blends seamlessly with any Apple Watch face you customize according to your liking. Complications are only supported from watchOS 9 onwards and for users with Apple Watch 4 onwards. 

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